So here’s what happened.
At Refugi Certascan, I tripped on an unmarked step and wiped out.
I had an audience and we mostly just laughed it off.
But about halfway through the next day, my foot suddenly hurt, like I’d bruised the top.
And it swelled a little.
I took Vitamin I (Ibuprofen) and just kept going. It really seemed like no big deal.
Well it turns out, it was a bit of a big deal. Finding out first hand how the socialized medicine system works, I went to a Spanish hospital for an Xray.
That little seemingly funny wipeout broke a bone in my foot.
It’s been, shall-we-say, interesting visiting Barcelona while wearing an ortho boot. I’m still managing to take in the sites and am always offered a seat on the Metro.
But the time has come to abort mission, head back to the states and leave the small bit of the Pyrenees I have left to walk (about six days worth) for another time.
I’ll be back, though, if only in my dreams.