Managing Osteoarthritis

Motion is lotion, so they say and hiking is one of the best to slow the progress of arthritis.
a little anxiety goes a long way

Anxiety and fear in high doses can be detrimental to your health, but can also be harnessed to help you succeed.
Why I Quit Rushing and Went for the “Slowest Known Time” on the Teton Crest Trail

PSA: You Don’t Have to “Crush Miles” to Thrive as a Thru-Hiker
Meet “The Old Lady on the Trail”

My heroine is 81-year old Mary Davison who called herself “The Old Lady on the Trail.”
ask me anything! volume 1 answers

Answers to your questions about packing gear, planning for success, how to manage contact lenses on trail.
At the Speed of Andante

Classical composers walked in nature and were inspired to create some of the most enduring music in the world.
Blissful Speaker

I’ve made a career shift to professional speaker using stories from the trail to teach and inspire.
for the love of beauty on the Arizona Trail

On the Arizona Trail, I learned about love as a gift in the form of the desert bloom.
ask me anything, volume 1

It’s the first ever “Ask Me Anything,” your chance to send me any burning backpacking-related questions.
POLL: are you adventurous or venturesome?

To be venturesome or adventurous are two different things. Which are you?