SHT: day 9, E Palisade to Leskinen Creek, 20 miles

It’s one of the most difficult days from Tettegouche to Section 13 on high cliffs above Gitchee Gumee.
SHT: day 8, SE Split Rock to E Palisade Creek, 22 miles

The views are superb of the big lake and glacial Bean and Bear Lakes below basalt cliffs.
SHT: day 7, Castle Danger to SE Split Rock, 20 miles

The trail begins to feel like it’s arrived on the shore tracing both Gooseberry Falls and wild Split Rock River.
SHT: day 6, McCarthey Creek to Castle Danger, 19 miles

The trail provides like magic on a day filled with birdsong and my first big climbs.
SHT: day 5, Normanna Road to McCarthey Creek, 23 miles

It’s a fantastically windy day on trail through regenerating forests and gigantic ferns.
SHT: day 4, Chester Creek to Normanna Road, 16 miles (more or less)

More lovely streams and forests before following a snowmobile trail through swamp.
SHT: day 3, Grand Avenue Chalet to near Chester Creek, 17 miles

The heat is nearly unbearable, but dozens of cascading streams and the lake walk make for a great day.
SHT: day 2, Red River Valley to Grand Avenue Chalet, 26 miles

The bug net is on and the humidity gives me ‘big hair’ as I move from forest to exposed rock.
SHT: day 1, Wild Valley Road to Red River Valley, 2.3 miles

I leave right after presenting on New Zealand and enter dense bush filled with ferns and birdsong.
Superior Hiking Trail thru-hike

Next week, I’ll start a thru-hike in my backyard – 310 miles in Northern Minnesota along Lake Superior.