Lake Okeechobee: Torry Island to Canal Point, 17 miles

It’s a shorter day to Pahokee where I eat wonderful Mexican food, then walk a few more miles before camping on Cindy’s lawn.
Canals/Okeechobee: L1-E to Torry Island, 20 miles

The trail is now through mowed grass and heads towards the lake where a lovely couple offers me lunch and I get a much-needed shower at an RV park.
Canals: STA 5/6 campsite to L1-E campsite, 16 miles

The second day on the canals is mostly on a road away from the water until finally popping back onto the levee and a gorgeous campsite.
Canals: Seminole Reservation to STA 5/6 campsite, 19 miles

The first day on the canals – the drained swamps of the everglades south of Lake Okeechobee – is long and shadeless, but surprisingly full of life.
Big Cypress/Seminole: Nobles to New Testament Church, 13 miles

It’s an easy day of walking which allows me to visit the museum and Swamp Cafe in the Seminole Reservation – plus catch a glimpse of a panther.
Big Cypress: Ivy Camp to Nobles Camp, 9 miles

It’s only a few short, messy miles out of the swamp which I share with an FKT (Fastest Known Time) seeker names Torry like old friends.
Big Cypress: 13 Mile Camp to Ivy Camp, 10 miles

The hardest bits of the entire Florida Trail lie in the Big Cypress. For nearly ten miles, the trail works its way through swamp requiring wading through water and mud.
Big Cypress: Southern Terminus to 13 Mile Camp, 17 miles

Day One is fairly dry in the Big Cypress Preserve with only hints of what is yet to come.
Just a dollop of stress, please

Leonard Bernstein said, “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.” Sometimes stress can be incredibly beneficial to focus the mind on what matters in the moment.
Injinji Socks review

I thought toe-socks were a thing of the 1970s until I wore my first pair of Injinj socks on the Trans-Catalina Trail. No blisters and, most importantly for me, relief from ingrown toenails resulting from crowded toes. My toes are deformed Arthritis, as well as using my feet for their intended purpose over many, many […]