CWT: Day 7, Strathcarron to Maol Bhuide, 22 miles

Testing the ‘Cape Wrath Sampler’ we walk in sunshine to Scotland’s remotest bothy.
CWT: Day 6, Side-trip: Ben Nevis summit, 11 miles

Torrential rain pauses the hike, but a side trip up the UK’s highest mountain makes up for it.
CWT, Day 5, Barisdale to Kinloch Hourn, 7 miles

It’s only seven miles, but muddy and slow with many fords, the rain spitting down.
CWT: Day 4, Sourlies to Barisdale, 10 miles

Knoydart is wild with steep climbs, rushing waterfalls, rock and bog. I slip and hit my head.
CWT: Day 3, Corryhully to Sourlies, 15 miles

It’s tough and wet walking to one of the most spectacular bothies on Loch Nevis.
CWT: Day 2, Corrlarach to Corryhully Bothy, 14 miles

The first climb is easy if wet to the bealach as the rain comes and goes to the first bothy.
CWT: Day 1, Carnas nan Gall to Corrlarach, 11 miles

After a ferry across the loch, it’s easy on track past crashing falls to a locked bothy in wind and rain.
Cape Wrath: the start

Travel clicked in place perfectly for the drive north through brooding mountains to Fort William.
the adventure continues – Cape Wrath Trail, Sept and October, 2021

Tomorrow, I’ll begin a walk in Scotland’s West Highlands on the hardest route in the British Isles.
Teton Crest Trail Day 7: Ski Lake to Highway 22, 5 miles

A creature walking past my tent wakes me up before I head to Ski Lake and back to civilization.