Saying Grace

What are your thankful for? As we gather around the table this Thursday to celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, I’ve been thinking about what I will say when my turn comes to talk about what I grateful for.  The list is so long! I’ve been incredibly fortunate—blessed with a loving and amazingly supportive partner, […]

Strong Bones for the Win

To avoid fractures and osteoporosis as we age, we need more calcium. The best way to get it is not in a pill.

first TEDx in the bag

My talk on resilience was a smash because I worked hard to refine it, memorize it, then perform it.

The Grace of a Good Teacher

When learning a new skill, or pushing out of our comfort zone, it’s not enough to just want to do it. We also need a good and effective guide.

Backpacking While Old

A wise woman who’s hiking into her 80’s once told me not to compare myself to younger hikers – or even to my younger self. 

Don’t Dream – Do

When it comes to dreams, don’t let them become a broken record of something you’ll do “someday.” Take the first step and act.


I only have a small bit of the Pyrenean Haute Route to finish, but it will have to happen another time.

HRP: Section Five

I climb the highest peak in the Eastern Pyrenees plus a spectacular ridge walk, before being done in by a quiche and leaving trail (temporarily!)

HRP: Section Four continues

The route enters the tiny, landlocked and mountainous country of Andorra with its beautiful vistas and generous people who help me out of a jam.

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