a chorus of birds from both sides (of the world) now

The chorus of birds on both the Te Araroa and the Pacific Crest Trail were glorious. Hear them for yourself!
TA audio narrative: the trail will provide

There is a lot of magic on a thru-hike when we have faith and juts let it happen.
TA Day 18, Ruakaka to Dragon’s Spell – 26 km

It’s a beach walk with spectacular reflections, then up a steep hill to views from DragonSpell.
TA Day 17, Peach Cove to Ruakaka – 17 km + 11 km

It’s 76 flights of stairs out of Peach Cove, then over foggy Mt. Lion to Smugglers Bay and Marsden Point.
TA Day 16, Taiharuru River to Peach Cove – 25 km

From Tidesong, it’s a walk across the Taiharuru estuary to Ocean beach then up magnificent Bream Head.
TA audio narrative: hiking as conversation

The birds, people, and sound of my feet through water, mud and sand were the hiking conversation.
TA Day 15, Nikau Bay to Taiharuru Estuary – 13 km

An easier day on a sprained ankle through the chest-deep Horahora River to Tidesong.
TA Day 14, Whananaki to Nikau Bay Camp – 28 km + 2 km

Crossing the longest footbridge in the Southern Hemisphere at Whananaki, the trail is easy along beaches.
TA Day 13, Helena Bay to Whananaki – 25 km

It’s straight up on a ridge with sensational views, then deep into steep up-and-down bush.
TA Day 12, Waikare to Helena Bay – 28 km

The Papakauti stream is the trail through the magical Russell Forest, followed by road to Helena Bay.