PCT Day 25, Lewis River to Mosquito Creek, 22 miles (+3)

The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within – strength, courage, and dignity. – Ruby Dee The stars were crystal and diamonds until the moon peaked over Adams, reflecting on the glacier. The sun just hits the summit white snow icing as I mix cold coffee and chocolate […]

PCT Day 24, Walupt Creek to Lewis River, 27 miles

A boat is always safe in the harbor, but that’s not what boats were built for. – Katie Couric The wind was absolutely wild during the night, careening in like a roller coaster building speed and crashing over the trees surrounding me in my mini perch. The alicoop shook a bit, but was well protected. […]

PCT Day 23, Clear Fork Junction to Walupt Creek, 15 miles

The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. – Emily Dickinson I wake up late and lay under my quilt enjoying how cozy I feel in here. Cheerio tells me we synchronized slept, turning over and crunching our mattresses on cue. I’m glad it was just the three of us – […]

PCT Day 21, Sheep Lake to Pipe Lake, 24 miles

Beware of monotony; it’s the mother of all the deadly sins. – Edith Wharton There is nothing like rising before dawn to clear skies and a dry tent. The lake is beautiful – crowded, sure, since only a few miles from the highway, but a mellow crowd, especially our neighbors who hefted chairs all the […]

PCT Day 20, Mike Urich Camp to Sheep Lake, 22 miles

Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay. – Simone de Beauvoir It’s crystal clear; I can see my breath. The moon shown through the big trees last night, lighting up our little tent city. It’s coffee and bars again with my little routine of stuffing my sleeping bag, keeping […]

PCT Day 19, ‘unused dirt road’ to Mike Urich Cabin, 24 miles

I get faster as I get older. —Grandma Gatewood The rain has (thankfully) stopped. I’m packed having coffee, filling my titanium pot to the brim. Bars for breakfast. They’re heavy to carry, but filled with vitamins and loads of fat. The mist is down and I wear the whole rain gear kit. Had I mentioned […]

PCT Day 18, Snoqualmie to ‘unused dirt road,’ 23 miles

We are all filled with a longing for the wild. No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed. – Clarissa Pinkola Estes I wake early, but the bed feels so cozy and cuddly, I sleep a few more hours. When I finally do emerge, I hesitate with trepidation opening […]

PCT Day 17, above Joe Lake to Snoqualmie, 10 miles

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’ – Audrey Hepburn I wake to the full moon just above the range and perking out of the clouds. Once I close the fly, it begins to rain.

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