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PCT Day 132, Mikes’s Place to Highway 74 (Warner Springs) 17 miles

It was usually long walk off-trail to get water in the desert.

Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith. – Margaret Shepherd No beings – animal or otherwise – came round last night. I slept soundly in our little piece of sand next to a shack, the moon’s reflection in the windows looking like eyes. Mike doesn’t show, but I am so grateful he […]

PCT Day 131, ridge above Anza to Mike’s Place, 19 miles

The PCT is wide enough in the desert to avoid the "jumping" Cholla.

There is nothing more pathetic than caution when headlong might save a life, even possibly, your own. – Meryl Streep I wake before dawn in time to see a grapefruit slice of moon setting. The wind picks up and I tuck deeper into Big Greenie. It’s too gusty when we wake to make coffee from […]

PCT Day 130, Cedar Spring to ridge above Anza, 18 miles

Sunset over Anza, California from a secret campsite.

I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world. – Mary Anne Radmacher How strange it is to cowgirl camp under the big trees, acorn bombs falling most of the night and a nearly full moon shining through the branches. When I close my eyes, I’m just […]

PCT Day 128, zero, Idyllwild

The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for. – Maureen Dowd I’m amazed at how exhausted I am. Another zero seems to do the trick and I have just enough time to enjoy it in this lovely village tucked into the mountains. I should finish walking […]

PCT Day 126, water faucet to North Fork San Jacinto River, 20 miles

The sign warns of potential hazard as the trail leads above tree line on San Jacinto Peak.

The road to success is always under construction. Lily Tomlin It was a night of dueling owls and a morning of dueling doves. A falling star flew through the sky just as Ted informs me it‘s 5:00. I guess manually changing your iPhone clock ahead of daylight savings doesn’t work since my clock reads 4:00. […]

PCT Day 125, Tamarack Road to water faucet, 4 miles

Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you. – Marsha Norman It’s a sleeping in kind of day, the walk coming up only about positioning for a big climb and water carry tomorrow. I dream about boyfriends-of-the-past, mostly conjuring them back into my subconscious so I can shake my head ‘no’ […]

PCT Day 124, zero, Palm Springs

What I learned crashing in Palm Springs for a ‘zero’ on Halloween and Pride weekend: desert weather is better than the upper great lakes …in November, anyway snag the motel next to the action try on a costume/disguise/different personality/gender – sometimes it’s all you need people love having their picture taken –> [see day 123] […]

PCT Day 123, Whitewater River to Tamarack Road (Palm Springs), 11 miles

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. – Peace Pilgrim I know I repeat myself, but it’s cold. The water bottles are chunky and, unfortunately, I left the Sawyer Squeeze outside Big Greenie and it freezes solid, no flow at all. My emergency purifying pills to the […]

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