The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down,
–Gordon Lightfoot
Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee…

Beginning next week – on the longest day of the year – I plan to walk the Superior Hiking Trail end-to-end in one fell swoop. Over the years, I have walked everything north of Two Harbors bit by bit, but without any plan, and often repeating favorite sections. Somehow, with a tagline of “solo female middle aged titanium reinforced long distance backpacker,” it only makese sense for me to walk this glorious track as a thru-hike – a part of the much longer North Country National Scenic Trail – and one that’s close, nearly in my back yard.
It’s not glamorous, it’s definitely not distant or exotic, and I already know the trail so well, I might get bored, but there’s a curious pull to it to anyway. I want to see what happens to my body, mind and spirt on this thru-hike, end to end.
All romantic notions aside, in Saint Paul it’s pouring rain and thundering – oh, and now it’s hailing. I could have plenty of that – and more – as well as ticks, mosquitos, black flies and mud. Let’s just hope I don’t start calling the trail the SH*T!
So plan to join me beginning next week on the longest day of the year for whatever might happen on a thru-hike of the SHT.
7 Responses
Thank you for the pics and notes, I section hiked the SHT 2022 from Castle Danger trailhead to 270 overlook and didn’t take one pic or note, so I appreciate that you did and I could reminisce. Also appreciated your Wind River presentation at MWM OE, hopefully I will get out there soon. As I will be hiking Pictured Rocks next year, I’ll thank you in advance for your notes and pics of that as well.
Congrats on your walk, Mark! you def walked the highlights and glad my pix helped you reminisce 😉 Keep me in touch on your Winds and Pictured Rocks adventures, alison
I wish you a safe and contemplative journey! I grew up on Chequamegon Bay in N. WI and know the potential woes of black flies, mosquitoes, and ticks this time of year! Hope they don’t drag you off.😉
so much permethrin! lol
agreed, may not be the best time, but still in 50’s and 60’s and next week in Saint Paul might hit 100!
Good Luck to you on the eventful day of June 21….start early…..bless you!
We look forward to following your SHT adventures. We’re at the Duluth end, and my big bro is up near Kadunce Creek. If you’d like my cell phone # for any kind of support, shoot me an email! Much luck and high hopes for good weather and diminishing bugs!
FABULOUS!! yes yes yes!
I will send you an email, Susie.
btw, bringing the “bug burka” and permethrin-ing the clothes!