There are few things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity. —Erwin McManus
How does the word CLARITY resonate as you take your walk today?
Post a picture. Share a quote, a poem a thought. Make us laugh, make us cry, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #blissfulhikers
Walk on and have fun!
♥️ Anita Hike & Blissful 🐥👣🎒
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4 Responses
Not doing much hiking, but loving all the word themes you are coming up with and the quotes!
you are doing very important work ‘walking the trail’ with me ♥️
Alison–sometimes my thoughts do lack clarity… does my near-sightedness…i often squint to see…
but….Alison…you have clarity of purpose…you ARE a hiker!…Zola
indeed!! 🐥👣🎒