It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. —e.e. cummings
How does the word ‘courage’ resonate as you take your walk today?
Post a picture, share a quote or poem or thought, make us laugh, make us cry, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #blissfulhikers
Walk on and have fun!
♥️Anita Hike and Blissful
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4 Responses
I’m having trouble with the FB site. I can find it, (now that I spelled blissful correctly!) but only see 2 comments . . . . written on June 1. Is that all there is? Doubt it.
As for Instagram . . . I found it, “followed”, but am seeing nothing after a day.
And then I wrote this essay on “courage” and decided it was too controversial to post! (had to do with dogs off leash)
3 strikes! BLLLAAAAAAAHHHHH! But, I’m not giving up
haha! A for effort Post on your own social. I want pix from 10,000 feet!!!
Alison…it takes courage to face the day with
disabilities…however slight…Zola
I’m so proud of you, Zola! You inspire me.