‘take-a-hike’ challenge day-30 keyword: humility

It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility. —Yogi Berra

How does the word HUMILITY resonate as you take your walk today?

Post a picture. Share a quote, a poem a thought. Make us laugh, make us cry, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #blissfulhikers

Walk on and have fun!
♥️ Anita Hike & Blissful 🐥👣🎒
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4 Responses

  1. Alison, As you travel to your next trek, know that my thoughts are with you as you seek new adventure in another place. I look forward to you trek record and hope for the very best for you. I am anxious to again see your blogs and feel your excitement. I can hardly wait to read your amazing pictures with words! My best, I will stay in touch!

  2. Alison….must be tough to be humble with thoughts of forging ahead…….but…..as you say……one step at a time…..Zola

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