“It’s hard to be more perfect than right now,” says Steve as we sit on his beautiful deck overlooking a garden that flows right down the bank to the river.

He’s right. A beautiful summer’s day spent with new friends, eating homemade bagels with cream cheese and lox – because you can’t get good ones in town – shopping at the Saturday market and finding real sun gloves at the fishing store and a $7 dress at the hospice shop, discussing everything under the sun from politics to religion to family and travel, resupplying for the next week in the mountains, and having a nutrient rich dinner of lamb and coleslaw topped off with cow-to-cone ice cream, a local favorite along with a Nelson ginger scrumpy.

Maggie tells me I’m a wizened woman, though I feel vulnerable meeting acquaintances at the jazz club who ask twenty questions about who I am and why I’m here. I show a steely resolve but inside, I want them to be the ones to tell me why I’m here.
Steve and Maggie get me back on track and we make plans for a side trip to Abel Tasman tomorrow.
Again, I feel an overflowing abundance in the good fortune to come across such awesome people who I have the privilege to call friends. I’ll return soon to the trail, but in this moment I’m pausing in a lovely place with lovely people to reset and recalibrate.
And it’s just right.
9 Responses
In caring for yourself you ARE caring for all of us as we travel with you and cheer you on
I think of your adventure as we (Mindy and I) train for the Birkie ski race knowing that 10 days after the race we will be headed for Auckland and 6 weeks in NZ
Inspiration comes in many ways, like your photos and the many shots of your marvelous walking feet
Onward together on a winter’s night in Cable WI
the Birkie then NZ! blisssss!
In caring for yourself you ARE caring for all of us as we travel with you and cheer you on
I think of your adventure as we (Mindy and I) train for the Birkie ski race knowing that 10 days after the race we will be headed for Sucklund and 6 paltry weeks in NZ
Inspiration comes in many ways, like your photos and the many shots of your marvelous walking feet
Onward together on a winter’s night in Cable WI
Hi Alison! Perhaps a Zero Day is a good day to hum Entr’acte by Jacques Ibert…spirited, brief, and it clears the air!
Beautiful. Just beautiful. You are really discovering…living, really…the “we” of “me.” I am thinking so much about that, and about how connected we are to others, even when we go off on our own. When we hike alone, camp high above a lake and watch the stars alone. Even then we bring along our communities, our people…maybe all people in a (somewhat) abstract sense. And as you are energized and tended and loved by others, you energize, tend, and love them. Wrong phrase: should be US, not them.
Here I am sitting here at 7:30 am in Minneapolis thinking about you and what you are doing/living…how many miles away? How many hours away? A calendar day ahead of me? Me in Minnesota winter, you in New Zealand summer. Loving your observations; believing the communion.
thanks dear friend ♥️♥️♥️ I am so deeply supported on this journey. Even the rocks, clouds and trees resonate! soooo blessed!
What a truly loving response from Joan. You are blessed with good friends, Alison. Way to go, DD