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‘take-a-hike’ motivation day-7 keyword: awe

(S)he who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; h(er) eyes are closed. —Albert Einstein

That’s a tough quote, but a good one to wake us up to the wonder surrounding us every moment!

How does the word ‘awe’ resonate as you take your walk today?

Post to Instagram or Facebook or simply comment right here with a picture. Share a quote, a poem a thought. Make us laugh, make us cry, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #blissfulhikers

Walk on and have fun!
Anita Hike and Blissful 🐥👣🎒
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4 Responses

  1. With your smile and beautiful spirit, you can do anything! Just the sun shinning and my roses and peonies blossoming this morning make this a wonderful and beautiful day to celebrate!

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