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AZT trail start

Richard (Mr. Blissful Hiker) makes updates from home as Blissful flies, shuttles and hitchhikes to the start.

Trail Update – Sierra Nevada

Mount Rainier near the Pacific Crest Trail

A surprise text popped up on my phone last Sunday: ‘Donahue Pass!! on the JMT’. It was from Alison of course. She had managed to find a cell signal at what is the highest point on her trek so far. A few more messages quickly followed…

Trail Update

Spoiler Alert – Alison walked through Seiad Valley a few days ago and is now well into California. While her most recent blog post was about a side trip to Ashland, I have now spoiled the ‘cliffhanger’ as to whether or not she makes it to the state line. She will fill the gaps with […]

TA update: going up! – again

I received a short message from Alison: “Nelson Lakes conquered. Heading back up to miss rain. More in a week” She sent it after arriving in Boyle Village to find very limited connectivity. It came in via satelite to my email. I thought I should explain a bit of the behind the scenes technology we […]

John Muir Trail, CA

The JMT travels through the Sierra – the “Range of Light,” – from Yosemite Valley to Mount Whitney.

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