Appalachian Trail: Gorham to Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire

The Wildcats are considered some of the hardest hiking in New Hampshire with sketchy rock climbs.
Appalachian Trail, Grafton Notch, Maine to Gorham, New Hampshire

The short section that straddles Maine and New Hampshire is considered one of the hardest with bouldering and dangerously steep descents.
Appalachian Trail: East Andover to Grafton Notch, Maine

It’s incredibly steep up and down on rock with a glorious reward of open balds above treeline.
Appalachian Trail: Rangeley to East Andover, Maine

The trail hits dangerous rotting boards over deep bogs plus an alpine climb of Beamis and Old Blue Mountains.
Appalachian Trail: Stratton to Rangeley, Maine

Two 4,000-footers– Spaulding and Saddleback Mountains – are on trail as well as a 3-mile alpine exposure.
Appalachian Trail: The Crockers, Maine

The Crockers are two of the easiest 4,000 footers in Maine with one side gradually ascending, the other, a steep boulder field.
Appalachian Trail, Caratunk to Stratton, Maine

The Bigelow Range is a classic ridge walk with huge elevation, plus gorgeous lakes and ponds.
back where we left off

I’m back in Maine and ready to start where I left off, considering how to measure the rewards from my engagement as a changed person.
Asian Kale Chips recipe

Try this delicious kale chip recipe packed with calcium to keep bones strong.
Appalachian Trail: the return

After a tough four months managing a cancer diagnosis and healing from surgery, I’ll return to the trail.